9 Years Ago, I Was Given
Less Than 24 Hours To Live.

Today, I'm Here To Share How I Not Only Survived

- Against All Medical Odds
- But How I'm In The Best Health Of My Life & You Can Be Too...

I still remember the feeling; I can re-live it as easily as you might remember the birth of a child, your wedding day, or the day you graduated from high school.

My son, Jordan, was screaming. He was 6 months old.

I could hardly hear the surgeon explain to me that I either signed the form to get surgery or I would be dead this time tomorrow. She told me that I was the most critical patient in the emergency room and that I needed to make a decision - now.

I couldn't reach my parents for advice, who are both well-connected in the medical field, as they were on a flight to come see me as soon as they heard of my condition. My gut was imploding. I was peeing red, and in horrible pain while undergoing multiple organ failure and sepsis.

I agreed to surgery. About 9 hours later, I woke up with a poop bag on my chest; and my only request to the surgeon was: "if you have to give me a bag, please don't do it and just let me die."

I remember screaming, except without the sound, as I didn't have any voice/energy left after fighting through such an intense surgery. My best friend, Bobby, said it reminded him of the gutting scene from Braveheart.

I would later learn they had to open me up completely, from close to my breastbone down to my pubic bone. They had to take out all of my organs and hose them down, trying to find the leak. And if it weren't for the surgeon who gave this hospital its name as a top 3 hospital in the United States, I probably would have died on the operating table.

Now, awake, I knew what was coming would not be pleasant. I had no idea I would immediately adapt to their strongest pain meds - including Morphine - and have to win this fight without anything for pain.

As a Doctor of Physical Therapy & Kinesiologist, I had rehabbed enough patients in desperate health positions to know that my recovery would last months, infection could spread at any time, and no one could promise that I would survive. In fact, I was told several times over a 2 week period that I probably would not wake up the next day.

That's when I asked for help... that's when I contacted everyone and re-read everything I ever had learned. I asked millions and millions of people for their prayers, after years of never praying and denying spirituality from my life. I swore to my son that I would survive, and I was not going to let him down. Pride aside, everything aside, it was time to step up.

Fortunately, I had an established network which allowed me to ask questions at the level of world leading universities, government bodies (like the United Nations and White House), world famous health authors, billionaires, and high-level doctors at Scripps Clinic, the Mayo Clinic, and the Cleveland Clinic.

In the end - and after nearly 18 months of recovery, 8 surgeries (2 major and 6 minor) - and a lot of prayer I found answers.

And, today, I'm going to share those answers with you on this page.

Health comes down to 4 pillars:

  • Physical - diet, exercise.
  • Mental - belief, consciousness.
  • Emotional - feeling, internally and externally.
  • Spiritual - connection, to yourself and more.

And even more simply, health is 'thought' and 'feeling'.

In order to affect your thoughts, you must observe how you think; in order to affect your feelings, you must observe how you feel.

For example, you may have a thought pattern or belief that comes from how you were raised and the beliefs in your household. You might not believe you are meant to be fit or healthy, and you might instead believe that life is stressful and you're always playing catch up.

This belief is not helpful for losing weight and getting in the best health of your life. However, it's a belief, and beliefs are powerful.

Similarly, feeling stressed is not great for your health.

And once you are able to observe both your thoughts and feelings, you can decide to either continue to think and feel the same way, or you can make changes.

Change takes form through the choices you make, such as the foods you eat, the thoughts you allow yourself to think, the beliefs you choose, the activities you participate in each day, your relationships and how you view them, and your perception, overall.

Below, I'm going to summarize my 3 biggest health takeaways.

Please read them carefully:

Health Takeaway #1:

Understand and observe thought and feeling, and then do what you can to change how you feel and think for the best health outcome.

Health Takeaway #2:

Prayer, Breath, Food, Movement, and Meditation affect thought and feeling more than anything else.

Health Takeaway #3:

Change takes time; every 2 or 3 minutes, you have an opportunity to optimize your health and it takes approximately 6 weeks to achieve a new set point, or equilibrium. When you sustain change for 90 days, you have fresh, new blood to support your health on an ongoing basis.

And perhaps the secret of it all is that you already know all of the answers; your intuition can guide you and your health outcome, so long as you learn to listen.

Welcome to 'Self-Health', which will teach you which foods to eat, how/when to move, and how to observe, rehearse, and change feelings and beliefs within just a few weeks. Then, we'll get into the exciting part, which is transformation.

There will be three phases: and you are the first
in the world to be invited into this course:


Phase I

(weeks 1-3):

Eating, moving, thinking, and feeling.

Phase II

(weeks 4-10):


Phase III

(weeks 11-16):

Stabilization and optimization.

*results may vary.

All of this information will be presented in an empowering way so that you can become self-guided with your health and truly make a difference for yourself in a lasting - and repeatable - way.

Self-Health Is A Movement...

And that's why you're going to want to review the classes and course material over and over again throughout your lifetime.

In the 'Self-Health' curriculum, you'll learn precisely how to best operate your body, mind, and being. After years of reaching over a million people on a daily basis to help them with their health, a devastating circumstance that nearly cost me my life, and 9 more years of perspective while educating myself and other health professionals at my side, we are convinced:

This is the most important information we could possibly share with you. And, if we're not mistaken, one thing will happen that will trump any other experiences you've ever had in health:

You will develop your own Health GPS, so to speak.

Your natural intuition for health will take over. You will know how to choose food, friends, activities, relationships, career choices, etc. all through getting to know yourself more, and the subtle signals your body is giving you all the time. This is the most beautiful process to share with others, as it's like watching you discover your own divinity. And in doing so, solve health once and for all.

I'm excited. And that's important.

Because when I get excited, I pour my heart and soul into something. I've done this over and over again, as you may have seen demonstrated by some of my bestselling products & programs in the fitness space, like Double Edged Fat Loss, Abs Strength Guide, and 5 Minutes To Look Younger.

It's funny, though. I'd rather not even compare to my past work.

And that's because the information I'm about to share with you feels like a secret part of the 'human code'; a gift that was shared with me on my deathbed, under the promise that I would share it with everyone else.

For this reason, I want to make you an insanely awesome deal today. For awhile, this barely covers production of the course. And I'm perfectly fine with that.

I feel lucky.

According to just about anyone, I should be dead.

And before I found myself in the emergency room, most people would have told you that I understood health & fitness on a very deep level. Yet, I was missing a balanced approach to the four pillars, or the four legs of the table; I had one or two super legs, and the rest got rusty and worn out, so to speak.

Today, I'm in a unique position to share from the most humble of places. I will show you gaps in our current health model that lead to someone at my level of expertise completely missing the health picture altogether by ignoring other pillars of health. Like other health professionals, I was focused on the mirror, scale, body fat %, and blood work.

What we would like to share with you is that the following weeks' educational modules will prove to be the most game-changing health education you have received in your lifetime.

Self-Health Syllabus:

There are five chapters divided over 16 weeks of curriculum:

Get an extra HUGE discount by investing in lifetime access before you've seen every session (because we love to reward taking a leap of faith), and you can still get a full refund for up to 60 days, which gives you plenty of time to listen to the majority of the the course, try on the suggestions, and decide it's still not for you. And you'll still get all of your money back.

We're making this offer so attractive for one reason: because we know that if you invest in the course now, you are much more likely to comply and get results.

And do you think it might be important to establish belief in the process ahead of time in order to get results? And maybe that's why we're making this offer so attractive.... because we know that if you invest in the process, you are much more likely to comply and get results.

So, here goes, my friend. What do you say?

Would you like a first class education in your own health, guided by a world-renowned Doctor of Physical Therapy & Kinesiologist who almost lost his life and has since become a world expert in epigenetics and personalized health?

Well, you're not only getting Dr. Kareem. You're getting our whole team.

Check out the curriculum below, and then decide if it's for you.

Chapter ONE: Eating & moving.
Week 1

Look around you. Look all around. Every single animal has a specific diet, or set of foods that are best for them. And intuitively, much like a dog eats grass, every animal on Earth knows how to modify their diet depending upon how they feel. Intuitively, the body knows already which foods are meant for it and when. And when you combine cutting edge science & medicine - in personalized health and epigenetics - with intuitive eating, your power triples. Your ability to identify which foods are best for your body - and perhaps even more importantly, which foods are WORST for your body - will dramatically improve within the first 7 days of this course.

Week 2

Picture this: you have an identical twin who got in a car accident, was lazy his or her entire life, and just had a heart attack. Do you think you should be doing the same workouts? Of course not!!

So, why would we assume that someone who is 4'8" and less than 100 pounds should be doing the same workout as someone who is 6'8" and 280 pounds? It makes no sense. In this module, we will discuss how, when, and why to move - for your specific body. Exercise will never be the same, as hard, or as boring.

Chapter TWO: Thinking & feeling.
Week 3

Do thoughts control you or do you control your thoughts? How can you properly surrender your mind to your heart, and in doing so, free yourself completely? That's what this week is all about, and we are excited to share with you our greatest lessons of the mind.

Week 4

You are wired to know truth through feeling, to navigate life through a sensation, and to be able to confirm your 'knowings' (or thoughts) through feeling. In this module, we will discuss a new scope on the word 'feeling', so you can both witness feeling in a new way as well as design your emotions to feel great.

Chapter THREE: Testing & tweaking.
Week 5

What works for one person does not work for all people. And even once you know your body type and have a HUGE head start, there is still some margin for error. That's why we're going to discuss how to best 'test' foods, movement, thought patterns, and feelings in a logical and traceable way so you can see results or know why you are not and be able to make a change. Without the ability to test and measure your method, you are flying blind. That's why you'll become an expert in both testing & measuring for health in week five.

Week 6

Test, measure, then tweak.

It's a simple and foolproof method to guarantee results. And we'll go through all the possibilities in this week, guiding and supporting you through any concerns or challenges you might be experiencing.

Chapter FOUR: Transformation & optimization.
Week 7

Eat, move, think, and feel.

Sounds simple, and it is once you get used to it. This week, we'll be concerned with helping you fully integrate all four pillars of health in a practical way, so you are not overly focused on one area or the next (as happens for most people who are pursuing better health).

Week 8
Real Life Roadblocks.

This is the 'coaching difference', which every coach knows makes ALL the difference. Being there for our clients as they put everything into action has always been a dream online. No more. We are in full support and we will be guiding you every step of the way.

Week 9

There's nothing like a proper "detox" when it comes to accelerating results. This week, you'll experience the medical potency of food as you transform feeling, thought, and self-image in 7 days or less.

Week 10
Breathing for faster results.

There are three main breaths that we teach and put into practice. Intentional breathing makes a tremendous difference with health, often speeds up results, and in many cases leads to weight loss and other health benefits without any changes to diet or exercise. Breath is powerful. Air matters, and this week, we're going to help you accelerate your results through breath!

Week 11
Your Lifestyle Menu & Food Plan.

World class and internationally-acclaimed personalized nutrition chef, Chef Mark, is going to lead you through this module. He is the one behind delivering delicious nutrition to folks like Ms. Universe (over and over again), many world class bodybuilders, Mick Jagger, the Queen, and more. This week, he's going to help you incorporate your personal superfoods into delicious dishes and share with you some incredible resources.

Week 12
Long-Term 'You' - How To Stay Healthy Long-Term & Keep Progressing.

This is where 'great health' becomes an addiction; in other words, if so much was possible over the last 6 weeks, what's possible over the next six weeks?

This week, we'll go over some of the most important lessons in health, longevity, and sustaining a high quality of life. Plus, we'll talk about common circumstances that pose challenges for many people along the way, like family members who aren't interested in health and the best way to handle them. Or like packed lunches, feeding children, breaking subconscious thought patterns before they become engrained in our youth, and taking your health to the next level.

Chapter FIVE: Stabilization & lifestyle management.
Week 13
Pacing I: Slowing down to adapt to life, goals, and chaos.

Breathe to slow down; move to speed up.

Sometimes, it's simple. And in the case of health, that's true. If there is a state of dis-ease taking place in your body and it is growing/accelerating, the best advice is to slow down. Or in the case of having just finished a transformation, it's time to rest and slow down. Great health comes down to pacing, programming, and performance.

Week 14
Pacing II: Speeding up to see faster results.

Want to see results more quickly? Should you increase the intensity of your exercise program? Work out for longer? Diet more aggressively? Change your thoughts? Focus on feeling? This week, we'll go over how you can easily and repetitively identify the low-hanging fruit with 4 simple questions you can ask yourself at any time. Plus, we'll go over a strategic four-point plan for improving your health at any point, whether you are in the worst health of your life or the best.

Week 15
Intention & Goal Setting.

Get more done in less time, stay more focused on your life path, and eliminate the noise/wasted time and efforts. That's what this week is all about, and we feel very blessed to be able to share this gift with you. It applies to health, financial, or family goals as they arise.

Week 16
Health-cycling (or periodization) for best results.

The National Strength & Conditioning Association (NSCA) is recognized for discovering the power of "periodization training" with their athletes, which has been credited as one of the biggest breakthroughs that has improved performance in sports today. We're taking this same principle and applying it to a holistic health approach that is designed entirely for you. This way, you know how to best cycle goals for optimal results - and health.

I'll make this quick and simple. Invest in lifetime access to the 'Self-Health' course today and get a HUGE discount.

What I can share with you is that we intend to offer this exact course at the university level in the fields of Physical Therapy, Chiropractic, and traditional medicine.

More than likely, the curriculum will cost around $2,000 at the university level, if not significantly more. When taught in person at retreats, the cost has historically been upwards of $10,000 per client, with no more than 30 clients at a time.

Today, I am giving you complete access to everything, almost for FREE. And I'm asking you if you think it's worth a one-time payment of just $197?

What would you say if I didn't even charge you $197 today, and instead cut that payment in half and gave you access to the entire curriculum as it is produced for just one-payment of $97?

That's right. Because you are here today, you are being offered exclusive access to the recordings, along with all of the modules, workbooks, transcripts, and community. And you'll keep your access for life!

Besides, if you get even half the results of our other clients, you won't be sorry. Go ahead and click get instant access:

Act in the next 15 minutes for just $97

Just one payment of $97 today; no future charges

*NOTE: You will not have to wait for anything in the mail. By selecting the 'get immediate access' option, you will be given immediate access to each module as it becomes available. This is a very special opportunity as one of the first ever students in 'Self-Health'.

Best Health Education Of Your Life Guarantee:

If within the first 60 days, you decide that the 'Self-Health' curriculum is not the absolute best education you've ever received in your health, please feel free to get in touch and ask for a full refund.

And for some added incentive, when you invest today, we're going to throw in the following amazing bonuses:

Expert Interviews & Presentations:

Tim Ferriss - The 4 Hour Body & Minimum Effective Dose (MED) Training

Tim is perhaps the world-guru in "hacking". He's been interviewed on, hired by, written about, and followed by just about everyone on the planet. And since Tim is a personal friend and mentor, we were able to support his book launch for the 4 Hour Body and lock him down for an interview. In this otherwise not-available interview with Tim Ferriss, you will discover some of his most potent tips, tricks, and discoveries that have led millions of others to test his methods and walk away in disbelief.

Chris "The Kiwi" Ashenden - Gut Health

Chris, "The Kiwi", Ashenden is the founder of Athletic Greens, which is perhaps the world's healthiest supplement company. Chris has become one of my best friends over the years, so we were lucky enough to pin him down and ask him all of our most pressing questions about how to radically improve gut health in a matter of seconds to minutes per day. In this special interview, the Kiwi shares his best insights, including his morning routine for metabolic optimization, common reasons for gut distress, and so much more. You're not going to want to miss this one!!

Isabel de los Rios - Gut Health II

Isabel de los Rios is the founder of Beyond Diet and is widely recognized as one of the leading female advisors in nutrition on the internet today. Isabel has spent the last 2 decades teaching millions of men and women around the world how to easily and quickly improve their digestive health. During my rehabilitation, Chris and Isabel were two of my guiding resources for rehabilitating my gut and transforming my health through food. We are absolutely honored to share this interview with you.

Emily Fletcher - Meditation & mindfulness

Emily Fletcher is the founder of Ziva Mind & Ziva Meditation, through which she has had more success teaching meditation than just about any other teacher in the world. A lot of her success comes down to the presentation, as her former career was a broadway star. She's able to present meditation in such a way that it makes it easy to comply. And best of all, she shares a 5-minute mindfulness routine that anyone can do over and over again during this very special interview.

3 Months of Create My Workout Membership, FREE (no future billing).

Create My Workout is a just-do-this fitness and diet membership site that emails you and tells you exactly what to focus on every day, and gives you the exact program you'll need. It's super simple, extremely effective, and known by many as the world's best online fitness resource. We don't just give you the workouts and diet strategies in Create My Workout; we teach you and empower you at the same time, so you'll know how to care for yourself and become totally independent with your health & fitness goals. Since you're investing in the full health curriculum today, we're going to give you THREE months for free. And you'll never be billed again.

3 Months all access pass to Office Hours (VIP line for all your questions and customizations, along with food recommendations, etc.)
Priority enrollment in future courses and curriculums, with early-bird notification 24 hours before everyone else.

It's time. And we can't wait to share all of this with you.

Sent to you with love, honor, and in service,

Dr. Kareem

Besides, if you get even half the results of our other clients, you won't be sorry. Go ahead and click get instant access:

Act in the next 15 minutes for just $97

Just one payment of $97 today; no future charges

*NOTE: You will not have to wait for anything in the mail. By selecting the 'get immediate access' option, you will be given immediate access to each module as it becomes available. This is a very special opportunity as one of the first ever students in 'Self-Health'.