Click here to see Dr. Kareem Samhouri's credentials.
University of Miami
Dr. Kareem graduated from the University of Miami with a Doctorate in Physical Therapy in 2007. He has been a licensed
Physical Therapist in the state of Pennsylvania since.
Penn State University
Dr. Kareem graduated from the Pennsylvania State University with a bachelor of science degree in Kinesiology in 2003.
He has been a practicing Kinesiologist and Personal Trainer ever since.
National Strength & Conditioning Association
Dr. Kareem was certified by the NSCA as a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), which is considered the
Gold Standard in personal training certifications for working with athletes and more advanced clients.
American College of Sports Medicine
Dr. Kareem was certified by the ACSM as a certified Health & Fitness Specialist, which is considered the overall
Gold Standard certification in personal training. In addition to certifying Dr. Kareem to train all types of individuals, this certification requires knowledge
and implementation of training programs for all age groups, and certain disease populations, like people who have Diabetes or Heart Disease.